Advanced Manufacturing for Energy Systems (AMES)

Led by Ugur Pasaogullari, professor in the University of Connecticut’s Mechanical Engineering Department, recently received a grant from the Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) of $1.25 million over 5 years. As a result of this funding, the UConn School of Engineering is offering a master’s-level Advanced Manufacturing for Energy systems (AMES) program.

  • Specialized training for the next generation of advanced manufacturing leaders in energy systems;
  • Interdisciplinary learning experience;
  • Concentrations in Advanced Materials; Processing; and Sensing & diagnostics
  • Industrially relevant training, industrial co-advisor for the MS thesis, summer internship at an industrial partner facility

Learn more about AMES program curriculum and admissions requirements.

You may apply to the program at the UConn Graduate School website.


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