A recent gift from the Satell Family Foundation will support UConn’s new research partnership in sustainable energy with Technion–Israel Institute of Technology. UConn and Technion are recognized leaders in energy engineering and education, and both are committed to advancing global adoption of clean and efficient energy technologies.
UConn’s Center for Clean Energy Engineering and Fraunhofer Center for Energy Innovation, led by Professor Prabhakar Singh, together with Technion’s Grand Technion Energy Program, led by Professor Gideon Grader, provide a platform to advance sustainable energy research in such areas as fuel cell systems, molten salt technology, materials corrosion, concentrated solar power life enhancement, and large-scale stationary batteries. Read more
[uconn_gotonewurl url = “http://today.uconn.edu/blog/2014/06/uconn-receives-gift-for-global-energy-sustainability-program”]