Category: DOE

DOE Grants Fund Collaborative Clean Energy Projects

UConn is a partner in three important projects with industry that have been selected to receive significant federal funding as the Department of Energy (DOE) seeks to advance hydrogen energy technology. In March, the DOE announced $750 million in funding for 52 projects nationwide, many of them pairing university research with industrial production. The funding […]

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UConn Awarded $4.5M DOE Grant to Benefit Grid Reliability for Transmission and Distribution Systems

A project spearheaded by the University of Connecticut will help power grid operators nationwide revolutionize how renewable energy sources are integrated into the electrical grid. On March 19, the Department of Energy awarded Lead Principal Investigator, Associate Director of the Eversource Energy Center and Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering Zongjie Wang with a $4.5 million grant ($3,340,168 […]

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