Graduate Assistant Lei Yu and Dr. Julia Valla collaborate with Tulane University and published in Energy & Fuels
Graduate Assistant Lei Yu and Dr. Julia Valla from the University of Connecticut and Drs. Azeem Farinmade, Oluwole Ajumobi, and Vijay John from Tulane. . .
Published: December 20, 2021
Re-Inventing the Wheel: How Dr. Ali Bazzi’s Driving Simulator can Change the Future of Autonomous Driving
Written by Olivia Ortegon, Ben Donohue, Matt Mancini Buckle-up everyone! Safe driving has become a hot topic as advances within the automobile . . .
Published: December 13, 2021
At Jeffrey McCutcheon’s lab, the Connecticut Center for Applied Separations Technologies (CCAST), 3D printing blends art with science.
. . .
Published: December 7, 2021
Dr. Poludnenko collaborates with UMass colleagues on NASA Award
Congratulations to Dr. Alexei Poludnenko, professor at UConn’s C2E2 and the Mechanical Engineering Dept. UMass-Dartmouth Professor Dr. Robert F. . .
Published: December 7, 2021
Alumni Spotlight: UConn and Beyond – David Gamliel’s Research in Clean Energy
By Ben Donohue & Olivia Ortegon We sat down with UConn alumnus Dr. David Gamliel, to learn more about his career post-graduation, as well as gain . . .
Published: November 29, 2021
Faculty Spotlight: A Brighter Future for Clean Energy, Dr. Jankovic’s Research Leads the Way
By Margot Wentzel and Olivia Ortegon Professor Jasna Jankovic is one of the distinguished faculty members here at the Center for Clean Energy Engineer. . .
Published: November 12, 2021
UConn’s AMES Program – Education Plays a Big Role in Workforce Development
Students from UConn’s Master of Science in Advanced Manufacturing in Energy Systems (AMES) presented their research work to representatives from ind. . .
Published: October 28, 2021
True Potential Found at the World Fuel Cell Conference, Mariah Batool Achieves 2nd Place
By Ben Donohue & Olivia Ortegon Sparked by her interest from working for an oil and gas refinery in Pakistan, her home country, Mariah Batool says. . .
Published: October 28, 2021
UConn, a ‘Powerhouse in Research,’ Participates in NSF Roundtable
The value of UConn’s research in driving economic development and transforming lives was highlighted Friday in an event led by the National Science . . .
Published: October 20, 2021
Dr. Ali Bazzi receives ONR DURIP Award to Build a Unique Testbed for Naval Propulsion Drives Research
By Ben Donohue & Olivia Ortegon Each year, the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) awards funds for research in higher education through its Defens. . .
Published: October 7, 2021
Former Graduate Student, now Asst. Professor at Bangladesh Univ., Returns to the Center for Clean Energy Engineering at UConn
By Ben Donohue & Olivia Ortegon Now working as an Assistant Professor at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dr. Uddin is . . .
Published: October 2, 2021
UConn Marks 10th Straight Year Among Nation’s Top 25 Public Universities
UConn is marking its 10th straight year among the nation’s Top 25 public universities, safeguarding and building on its strengths over the last deca. . .
Published: September 15, 2021
UConn Among Sierra Club’s Top 10 “Cool Schools”
UConn has once again been rated among the nation’s greenest schools in the Sierra Club’s annual “Cool Schools” rankings, which evaluate univer. . .
Published: September 10, 2021
Assistant Research Professor, Dr. Naba Karan leads by “Curiosity Coupled with Determination”
By: Olivia Ortegon and Ben Donohue Dr. Naba Karan recently joined UConn as an Assistant Research Professor at the Center for Clean Energy E. . .
Published: September 3, 2021
UConn Joins Forces with University of New Haven to Help Local Manufacturers Adopt Sustainable Practices
UConn is participating in a massive national research effort to help local manufacturers reduce their carbon footprint. Associate professor in the Sch. . .
Published: August 24, 2021
UConn Professor Earns Prestigious DoD Award
By: Olivia Ortegon Dr. Yupeng Chen, a professor in UConn’s Department of Biomedical Engineering as well as faculty at the Center for Clean Energy . . .
Published: August 13, 2021
Five Engineering Faculty Receive NSF CAREER Awards
NSF CAREER Awards support early-career faculty in establishing their research programs while also reaching out to students and community members. Eigh. . .
Published: August 13, 2021
C2E2 Faculty Inducted into the Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering (CASE)
Two prestigious faculty members of the Center for Clean Energy Engineering (C2E2) were inducted into the Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineerin. . .
Published: July 23, 2021
Novel Techniques in 3D Printing at UConn’s Tech Park
UConn’s Center for Clean Energy Engineering’s faculty, Drs. SeungYeon Kang and Anson Ma, along with their colleagues, recently authored an article. . .
Published: July 13, 2021
Dr. Jeffrey McCutcheon Advances to 3rd Competition Phase in the National Solar Desalination Contest
As reported by the Department of Energy in April 2021, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced $5 million in new funding for the second round of. . .
Published: July 1, 2021
C2E2 Hosts Seminar on “Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC)”
In April 2021, UConn’s Center for Clean Energy Engineering hosted Dr. Reza Javaherdashti who presented an enriching seminar titled, “Management of. . .
Published: June 29, 2021
PEARL Laboratory at the University of Connecticut
Dr. Ali Bazzi’s Power Electronics & Drives Advanced Research Laboratory (PEARL) is part of the Center for Clean Energy Engineering and Departmen. . .
Published: June 9, 2021
UConn STEAM Tree Project Featured at NSF’s Conference
UConn’s STEAM team’s project was featured as part of the National Science Foundation’s Convergence Accelerator Conference. During her “Light. . .
Published: May 28, 2021
Advanced Manufacturing in Energy Systems (AMES) Symposium – Inciting Change Through Research
In January of this year, students from the Advanced Manufacturing in Energy Systems Masters program (AMES) presented their research work to rep. . .
Published: May 28, 2021
STUDENT SPOTLIGHT: Margot Wentzel – Life after UConn
Margot Wentzel worked as an Administrative Specialist at UConn’s Center for Clean Energy Engineering (C2E2) up until graduation in May. Margot has. . .
Published: May 11, 2021
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