Sun and Sea: UConn Professor Advances in National Solar Desalination Contest
University of Connecticut professor of Chemical & Biomolecular engineering Jeff McCutcheon is a quarter finalist in the American-Made Challenges: . . .
Published: December 16, 2020
Energy Department Releases its Hydrogen Program Plan
EERE News November 12, 2020 Energy Department Releases its Hydrogen Program Plan Today, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) released its Hydrogen Prog. . .
Published: November 13, 2020
International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy – Student Infographic Challenge 2020
Dear students, On behalf of the UConn Center for Clean Energy Engineering (C2E2) and in preparation for the National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day (08/10. . .
Published: September 18, 2020
UConn Researchers Receive Patent for Diabetes-Sensing Breathalyzer
UConn researcher and vice president for researcher, Radenka Maric, and a former graduate student Rishabh Jain were recently issued a patent for a brea. . .
Published: August 7, 2020
UConn and Technion Collaborate on the Development of Next Generation Fuel Cells
Radenka Maric, UConn’s vice president for research, innovation and entrepreneurship, Dario Dekel from Technion’s Chemical Engineering Department a. . .
Published: June 22, 2020
City Council And UConn Lend A Hand To West Haven Community House
WEST HAVEN, CT — Members of the West Haven City Council this week presented West Haven Community House (WHCH) Executive Director, Patricia Stevens, . . .
Published: June 22, 2020
UConn Research Team Developing Emergency Ventilator Prototype
Jeffrey McCutcheon, the Al Geib Professor of Environmental Engineering Research and Education at UConn, is usually busy this time of year studying sub. . .
Published: April 22, 2020
Master of Science Program now Accepting Applications for Advanced Manufacturing for Energy Systems (AMES)
The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) awarded the University of Connecticut at Storrs a traineeship program grant in 2018. Thi. . .
Published: April 19, 2020
UConn’s AMES Students Participated in Beyond UConn Expo 2020
UConn’s Center for Clean Energy Engineering’s (C2E2) graduate students Orvy Polanco and Aubrey Tang participated in the Beyond UConn Expo 2020 on . . .
Published: March 21, 2020
Bridging the Gap Between Bio-oil and Jet Fuel
Liquid fuels derived from biomass (biofuels) have the potential to generate less greenhouse gas emissions than that derived from fossil fuels. Identif. . .
Published: February 10, 2020
UConn’s Own Radenka Maric Selected as a 2019 NAI Fellow
Farmington, CT—Radenka Maric of UConn has been named a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors (NAI), the organization announced on December 3, . . .
Published: February 7, 2020
Recent Ph.D. Graduate’s Work Featured in Journal of Materials Science
Congratulations to recent MSE graduate Abhinav Poozhikunnath, Ph.D! Just five days after defending his dissertation, his work was selected by Journal . . .
Published: January 27, 2020
WiSFiRE – UConn’s Women in STEM Frontiers – Jan 31 2020
Join us for a one-day conference featuring talks by female faculty in STEM at UConn. Come hear about their exciting research and how they have built. . .
Published: January 9, 2020
Characterization and evaluation of Fe–N–Celectrocatalysts for oxygen reduction directlysynthesized by reactive spray deposition technology
A novel method for synthesizing iron–nitrogen–carbon (Fe–N–C) electrocatalysts using a modified flame spray pyrolysis technique called reactiv. . .
Published: January 8, 2020
UConn Researcher Radenka Maric Named AAAS Fellow
Vice President for Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Radenka Maric has been named a 2019 Fellow of the American Association for the Advancemen. . .
Published: January 8, 2020
Collaboration to Commercialize Hydrogen Fuel Cells and Electrolyzers
Smog, pollution, climate change. It’s impossible to turn on the news without hearing about the environmental threats faced by modern society. Many b. . .
Published: January 8, 2020
UConn Partners in $100M DOE Innovation Hub on Water Technologies – Jeff McCutcheon leads UConn’s participation in NAWI
Around the world, fresh water scarcity poses a major economic, environmental, and humanitarian challenges. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and oth. . .
Published: January 1, 2020
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