Solar Nanodevices
Shine On: UConn Dedicates Solar-Powered STEAM Tree
UConn held a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Wednesday afternoon for a solar-powered STEAM tree that will allow community members to charge their personal devices as they enjoy time on the Student Union Mall. The “tree” consists of a metal base that supports panels to look like an actual tree. The solar power generated from the panels […]
Dr. Jeffrey McCutcheon Advances to 3rd Competition Phase in the National Solar Desalination Contest
As reported by the Department of Energy in April 2021, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced $5 million in new funding for the second round of the American-Made Challenge: Solar Desalination Prize, a competition designed to accelerate the development of systems that use solar-thermal energy to purify water with very high salt content. Dr. Jeffrey […]
C2E2 Hosts Seminar on “Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC)”
In April 2021, UConn’s Center for Clean Energy Engineering hosted Dr. Reza Javaherdashti who presented an enriching seminar titled, “Management of Corrosion and Microbial Adhesion on Solar Panels” for UConn’s Center for Clean Energy Engineering. Dr. Javaherdashti has more than 20 years of industrial and academic experience, and he has spent more than 5,000 hours […]
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